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Showing posts from March, 2021

Officer Training School - What I'd Buy If I Were Starting RTF Now (Major Update Pending!)

OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL - What I'd Buy If I Were Starting RTF Now (Major Update Pending!) In this series I'll be focusing on subjects that are specially geared towards new players starting with Ramah Taskforce.   When I started with Infinity , there was no Ramah Taskforce yet. There was however, the knowledge that the sectorial would soon be released, and what units one could more or less expect to be included. I jumped into the game by splitting the Operation Red Veil box, and thus my collection of RTF models begun. I soon added a box of Hakims , a box of Naffatûns and a Tuareg Hacker blister, and off I went! My approach was driven by enthusiasm more than knowledge of the competitive Infinity scene, and thus there were some detours along the way. I've sometimes played with the idea of what I'd buy if I were to start now, and now that I have a blog, I have a perfectly plausible reason to mask my narcissistic ranting as beginner friendly advice, and write an article ...

Honor, Discipline, Cohort - Janissaries in RTF

HONOR, DISCIPLINE, COHORT - Janissaries in RTF In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists. While there are other, more specialized, Heavy Infantry units integrated into Ramah Taskforce, only the Janissaries are dedicated line troops, as they are the ones tasked with holding the front against the fiercest attacks, and leading the most daring assaults. In the backstory, the Janissaries are recruited mostly from the lowest socio-economical levels of the Haqqislamite society, though there are exeptions of volunteers from more well off families who also join the Corps. Only the toughest make it through the cruelling physical, mental and spiritual training, that produces an elite (if on the game table, rather vanilla) Heavy Infantry unit. Forged in the Harshed of Conditions The Janissaries' statline is nothing short of amazing! While they lack the now rather commo...

The Ships of the Desert - Kameels in RTF

THE SHIPS OF THE DESERT - Kameels in RTF In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists.   As the brunt of the fighting done by Ramah Taskforce is borne by elite infantry operatives, the Remotes of the force are mostly relegated to support duties. Where the Murafeq Remotes specialize in providing tactical support, the apply named Kameels (" camels ") offer (mostly) logistic support to RTF strike teams. They Aren't Nicknamed 'Ships' for Nothing As you'd expect from an equipment hauling robotic unit named after a beast of burden, Kameels are quite a lot bulkier than their speedy Murafeq counterparts. With MOV 4-4 and S 4 (and the accompanying rather huge base), the Kameels aren't going anywhere in a hurry. They sport moderate BS 11 (which is of consequence only for the single armed profile), but decent ARM 2 and BTS 3, making them somewh...

In Service of Others - Warcors and Rahman Rouhani in RTF

IN SERVICE OF OTHERS - Warcors and Rahman Rouhani in RTF In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists.   (Disclaimer! I unfortunately don't own the Defiance set from Corvus Belli, so I lack the actual model for Rahman Rouhani. I use my SMG Hakim as a proxy, because he to me seems the closest fit considering Rouhani's weapons, stats and abilities.)   Ramah Taskforce is the very tip of the spear when it comes to the armed forces of Haqqislam. They have the best equipment, all the logistic support they can hope for, and most importantly, the most elite soldiers of the nation at their disposal. When it comes to building an ITS list with RTF however, there are times when units chosen are defined not by what they are, but rather what they're not. Let's look at two support elements of the sectorial; Warcors, the War Correspondents and the Medical Speciali...

The Good Guys Wear Orange - A Compilation of Articles

THE GOOD GUYS WEAR ORANGE - A Compilation of Articles This page is meant to compile all the blog's articles written (or planned!) so far, and thus help readers find what they're looking for!   The Unit Focus Series In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists. Light Infantry Ghulam Infantry Naffatûn Najjarun Engineers ¹ Monstuckers ¹ Warcors, War Correspondents ³ Khawarijs Nahab Aeromobile Team Namurr Special Operative Group Mukhtar Active Response Unit Husam Operative Leila Sharif ² Medical Specialist Rahman Rouhani ³ Tarik Mansuri, Khawarij Amir Wild Bill, Legendary Gunslinger ⁵ Beasthunters (ITS Bike Recon) Motorized Bounty Hunters   Medium Infantry Zhayedan Intervention Troops Hakims, Special Medical Assistance Team Yara Haddad, Intel Ops Mutafawiq Officer ²   Heavy Infatry Janissaries Al Fasid Regiment Hortlak Janissaries   TAGS Maghariba ...

Immortal Valour - Zhayedans in RTF

IMMORTAL VALOUR - Zhayedans in RTF In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists.   One of the explanations to the name of the Zhayedans is that in ancient Persia the 10 000 strong hand picked elite fighting force (and the King's Guard) was known as the Immortals - not because they could not be killed, but because their number was fixed. This is actually quite a good analogy for the Zhayedan Intervention Troops ; they are the crème de la crème of the (non-supersoldier) non-Heavy Infantry of Ramah Taskforce; a reliable corps of veterans ready to face anyone, anywhere, anytime. Veterans of Dozens of Campaigns The Zhayedans are battle hardened veterans, though not supersoldiers, and this is reflected in their elite Medium Infantry statlines. They have the standard 4-4 MOV, while their more favored status is shown with ARM 2 and BTS 3 - even though not great, thes...