IN SEARCH OF WISDOM - Hacking in RTF In this series I reflect on the game of Infinity, as well the place of Ramah Taskforce in it. Hacking (or infowar, as it's also known), is one of the most interesting aspects of Infinity . Your soldiers are not only clashing against their enemies in the physical world with bullets and blades, but also in the virtual reality with Hacking Programs ! While Ramah Taskforce is in the enviable position of being able to field entirely unhackable strike teams for little loss in performance, there are almost always dangers to be avoided and rewards to be reaped by winning the infowar battle in a game of Infinity, so forgoing Hacking shouldn't be your go to solution all the time! Before we get any further, I'd highly recommend the extensive Hacking Article written for Under Bourak's Sun and the Bromad Academy by HeadChime for those readers who are unfamiliar with cyberwar in N4 - this piece is an excellent beginner's guide to Hacking...
A Ramah Taskforce blog for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.