AFTER ACTION REPORT #1 - Operation Unrelenting Facade In this series I join forces with my opponents in order to try and present play-by-play Battle Reports from both players' perspectives simultaneously. Disclaimer! Please note that the game you're about to read about was played prior to the N4 Fireteam update of March 2022. So, It's a Battle Report? Luckily for us, the Infinity enthusiasts , the internet is home on quite a number of high quality Battle Reports about our favorite wargame, be it in written or video form. I've also been interested about trying my hand on writing such retellings of battles for quite some time now, but for the longest time I've struggled with the format. If I were to just snap some pictures and write my narrative on what happened, the end result would in the best case be entertaining, but I'd be a player writing my own history, which would mean that the objective value of the report would be greatly lessened . Furthermore, muc...
A Ramah Taskforce blog for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.