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Showing posts from March, 2022

In Search of Wisdom - My First Thoughts on the N4 Fireteam Update and RTF

IN SEARCH OF WISDOM - My First Thoughts on the N4 Fireteam Update and RTF In this series I reflect on the game of Infinity, as well the place of Ramah Taskforce in it.   Corvus Belli just released the much anticipated N4 Fireteam update , as well as updates tn some of the units and unit profiles that are part of Ramah Taskforce . Obviously figuring out the effects of these changes will take time and there should be a marked shift in the Infinity Meta in the following months as people work to realize the potential of their Factions, as well as strive to counter the most dangerous combinations that will start taking to the battlefields of the Human Sphere. Nevertheless, I feel that a premilinary analysis on what the update could mean for RTF should be in order! The Time of the Immortals Has Come! As previously communicated to us by Corvus Belli, in the brave new post update world gaining the full Fireteam Bonuses will require formation of homogenious squads . After a premiliminary l...

In Search of Wisdom - Exploring Your Options

IN SEARCH OF WISDOM - Exploring Your Options In this series I reflect on the game of Infinity, as well the place of Ramah Taskforce in it.   At it's core, Infinity is a game of decision making . You decide what Faction you want to play, what units you choose to include in your list, what initial game plan you want to follow, how you deploy, what model(s) you leave in Reserve , how do you respond to the Opponent's deployment... And all this before the first actual turn of the game even begins! After that, as the motto of the game goes, it's always your turn , thanks to the amazing ARO mechanic... Before everyhing is said and done, you have made dozens if not hundreds of decisions, and while there are dice rolls involved, usually the player that has made more (impactful) good decisions will win the day! Afterwards, it's time to head back to the drawing board and begin planning anew... Because of all this and more, I wanted to take a look at the decision making processes ...