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To All Future Ramah Taskforce Commanders

 To All Future Ramah Taskforce Commanders

Congratulations on your promotion Commander! The Haqqislam High Command must see great promise in You, for You have been bestowed the honour of leading our People's finest to battle.

The Military Force You are about to command is the finest in all of the Human Sphere. It's a Force made up in it's entirety of volunteers, be they humble Line Troops, Veteran Operatives or Biogenetically Enhanced Supersoldiers. As their Commander, you can entrust these men and women to accomplish any task you set before them, and to defeat any foe that may stand in their way, if such a feat is humanly - or indeed superhumanly - possible.

Ramah Taskforce is the very Tip of the Spear when it comes to our Nation's military capabilites, and not just because of the fact that Your Forces have the best equipment and the most tactically capable soldiers at it's disposal, but also because almost without exeption, the men and women serving under you are beyond any reproach when it comes to their morality, work ethics and technical skills - who can hope to stand against a Force that is not only superhumanly powerful, but also wise and compasionate down to it's most humble soldier?

But do not let yourself become complacent Commander! Casualties among our operatives will be unavoidable, and defeats at the hands of our enemies will be inescapable - not only are we tasked with facing the most dangerous foes our enemies within the Human Sphere, and even beyond it, can muster, but the fact that High Command has decided to deploy Your troops, means that no other Military Force at their disposal has any hope of success. You will often find yourself outnumbered, outgunned and even outmatched, but do not despair! Look to the soldiers under your command, employ their strengths to the best of Your ability, and trust in their willingness to lay down their lives should the situation so require. Should the Operation you undertake result in failure, give meaning to the losses suffered by learning from them humbly, and then rise again to fullfill your task of protecting the helpless.

When You take to the field of battle, do so without malice or hope for personal gain, but rather wishing that tomorrow will be better because of the things you do today. And when the situation is at it's direst, look to Your left, and look to Your right - as long as the soldiers standing next to You are wearing Ramah Taskforce shoulder patches, You'll be alright; because the Good Guys wear orange!

Until We may meet in person - I wish you the very best in leading the Swift and Deadly Spear of the Haqqislamite Army to Victory!           
                                                                                         - Khawarij Major Fayyaad Kalehi


  1. Sorry, got something in my eye...

    1. That's quite all right; You're among friends!

  2. Amazing introduction for a marvelous guide to Ramah Taskforce.

    1. Gosh, thank you so much for Your high praise! :)


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