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Incoming! A Q/A Piece - Subject Your Questions!

 INCOMING! A Q/A Piece - Subject Your Questions!

Incoming! are early warnings of things to come, and sometimes they are a way for me to ask for feedback or subjects for future articles.
Hello Everyone!

I'd like to try something very different this time around! I've got a few more or less "traditional" articles in the works, but I feel it would be nice to branch out for a change, so here we go!

I'm planning a piece that will feature me doing my best to answer reader submitted questions - not because I feel I'm so high and mighty that everyone should heed my words, but rather to get some additional interaction going, and to help me get some new ideas on things to cover on the blog!

If you've got a question you'd like to ask (whether it be something serious, fun or beginner oriented), please drop it as a comment below, or use the blog's contact form to send it to me! I'm planning to include the name/username of the people responsible when answering the questions, but You can ask me not to do that in Your case if You feel like it!

I will only write this piece if I get enough questions to do so, so the ball is in Your park now! I'm also afraid there are going to be questions I can't answer for lack of in-dept knowledge on the subject, because I don't understand what the person in question is aiming at, or (hopefully) there will be too many questions to cover in a single article - so if You submit a question and I fail to answer it, please don't be offended!

There's little more to say; now is the time to present Your question(s) and help me determine whether the Q/A turns into an article (or even a series of articles), or whether I'll just end up sitting here with cricket sounds playing in my ears!

Until the next time - I wish you the very best in leading the Swift and Deadly Spear of the Haqqislamite Army to Victory!


  1. Do you play Aristeia!? If you do, do you think Bachman and Hammerhead should be in infinity? Should they be in Ramah? If so, how would you represent them?
    Until then, which are your favourite named characters in Ramah, that you include for fun and fluff rather than for wins?
    (BTW: Nice blog, nice terrain and nice minis)

    1. Thanks for the questions, I'll include them in the Q/A article! I'm also very glad to hear that you're enjoying my work! :)

  2. Love your blog. I just started with Ramah and I think they are very hard to play. Unfortunately Im kinda new so don't have any specific questions but pls keep up the great work.

    1. Thank for you comment, I'm so glad to hear that the blog is doing it for You! Please, don't be afraid to shoot me an email or post a comment if there's some spesific situation/unit/opponent/mission you find difficult to play as Ramah, I'd more than happy to try and help you out! :)

  3. Hi, so first of all thanks for blog. I recently started infinity with Haqq and after few tts games I am moving towards RTF and your posts really help sort things out for the beginner.

    So for QnA I would like to ask about Nahab. Do you prefer parachutists or infiltration?
    I am fan of parachutists with KHD. The ability to deploy later in game and closer to enemy makes use of berserk much easier.

    In what situations would you recommend infiltration?

    Another topic: do you think Ramah has tools for alpha strike? What would you use for AS?
    I used Nahab + Carmen Jones ( as she gives Nahab safe entry with smoke and can fight well)
    But would love to read your ideas.

    Also I would love to read article about your expectations for Ramah in ITS 13


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