WHERE THE GOOD GUYS AT? - What to Expect from the Blog in 2023 Happy 2023 everybody! Ouch - 2022 really wasn't as good a year for the blog as I had hoped, now was it? Without going into personal details, I've just had way, way too much on my plate, and the blog has suffered a result... While I'm afraid some of the readers may have interpreted my greatly reduced volume of posting as loss of enthusiasm, nothing could be further from truth! The blog has still been very much on my mind, and I'm hoping that in 2023 I can truly come back swinging - then again, I'm now wise (or bloodied!) enough to know not to make any promises, but the will is there! Unpublished, but not Forgotten - Clearing the Backlog What's been weighting on me the most, has been the fact that I still haven't been able to summon the time and the effort to complete PandaBeastMode's excellent IGL recap , but I'll finnish that next or die trying! After that there are still some RTF pieces...
A Ramah Taskforce blog for Infinity the Game by Corvus Belli.