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Honor Through Faithful Service - Najjarun Engineers and Monstruckers in RTF

HONOR THROUGH FAITHFUL SERVICE - Najjarun Engineers and Monstruckers in RTF

In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists.
Ramah Taskforce may not rely on it's Remote Units, Heavy Infantry or TAGs to carry the day most of the time, but it's also pretty rare for it's strike teams to not include any of them at all. If your force wants to keep it's highly technological elements fully operational, it needs to include an Engineer. Lucky for us, RTF can enlist the services of three very capable, Engineer options! In today's article we're going to discuss the two non-Character options available to a Ramah Taskforce commander; the Najjarun Engineers and Monstruckers.

High Skill Maintenance

Najjarun Engineer - Rifle, Light Shotgun, D-Charges, Gizmokit; 15pts

The "domestic" option for engineering support within RTF is the unassuming, yet highly effective, Najjarun Engineer. I love this guy to death! For mere 15 points you get an Engineer with all the perks of standard Ghulams (a unit I've already lauded in a Unit Focus article), and then some! The basic Haqqislamite infantryman side of his profile means that the Najjarun is an excellent Engineer and Specialist with WIP 14, and the Rifle + Light Shotgun means that he's also a very capable corner guard and light assault troop! Charging an enemy model and giving them the choice of dodging against double Direct Templates or facing the effectively BS 17 shotgun shells (thanks to the +6 range modifier) is no joke!

In addition to all the Ghulamsque equipment the Najjarun carries, he also has D-Charges and the GizmoKit. The latter I really wouldn't rely on too readily, as hitting the target at BS 11 and then having it pass it's PH roll can be quite iffy, especially as the Najjarun can't join a Fireteam to boost his BS or Burst. The D-Charges don't see too much action most of the time either - with the trusty Engineer deploying at your Deployment Zone, it's quite a jog to get to anything that's worh blowing up (although I've had mine achieve the Sabotage Classified Card a few times). Then again, if you can Immobilize something nearby, by all means, have your Najjarun go and blow the happless foe to smithereens!

The last bit of something that the Bourak trained Engineer has going for him is the Courage skill. This one's a bit of a head scratcher, but sure, why not! Getting to decide the result of your Guts check can only be a good thing (I'm looking at you Khawarijs'!). For some reason, I feel that my Najjarun has had a disproportionately high amount of instances where he's been holding his ground in Suppressive Fire, much to Opponent's chagrin!

For only 4 points more than your standard Ghulam, the Najjarun Engineer offers amazing bang for your buck. You can have one just lie 2'' away from your Shihab Total Reaction Bot and be on the standby to repair the deadly robot once it gets knocket out (staying exactly 2'' away means you can crawl in base to base for repairs with single Order, while still avoiding splashes from Template hits on the Shihab in the origal position), and in the mean time provide a cheapish Regular Order for the rest of you force to use! Nowadays I try and bring a Nasmat with the Engineer if possible. This means that the servant bot can take care of holding by Shihab's hand, while the Najjarun himself guards a flank and maybe awaits for a chance to attack an out of position Skirmisher, or interact with a nearby Mission Objective.

A Bit of This, a Bit of That

The mercenary option for an Engineer in Ramah is the versatile and imaginetive Monstrucker. It's statline mirrors that of a Ghulam pretty closely, although Monstruckers are "only" WIP 13 (but also PH 12!). The main difference between this unit and the native Najjarun is the former's Irregular status, and the accompanying points decrease. The Mercenary Engineers can also make use of the exotic Climbing Plus skill, which allows for them to reach their targets (be they something that needs fixing, pressing or shooting) via surprising routes in an urban setting!

Monstucker - Submachine Gun, Chain Rifle, Dop Bears, Gizmokit; 12pts

Just how is this the cheapest profile?!?! Submachine Gun is a really solid close range weapon, and you can always turn to the trusty Chain Rifle if things get tricky. Then again, the Najjarun can double Direct Template stuff and gain better target values at all ranges... The real selling point of this model are the Drop Bears though. Being Irregular isn't half bad when you can always just throw (or plain deploy) Mines to guard your flanks or backline. My standard solution to a backline enemy Drop Trooper is to counter attack with the Monstrucker by tossing a Drop Bear next to them and the politely asking them whether they'd prefer to suffer two Direct Template hits or discuss the finer points of AP/Shock SMG rounds...

Monstrucker - Boarding Shotgun, Adhesive Launcher, E/M Grenades, Gizmokit; 17pts

You really have to be hurting for E/M Grenades to pick this profile, as it loses one of the main selling points of the Monstrucker above - it's cheap cost. Even the Boarding Shotgun isn't all that impressive in a Faction where almost everyone carries a Shotgun of some type. Adhesive Launcher isn't very appealing either, firing as it is in this case at only BS 11 and Burst 1, with no Fireteam support available.

Monstucker - Rifle, Light Shotgun, Akrylat-Kanone, D-Charges, 360 Visor; 17pts

I really don't know man... You have to love the Akrylat-Kanone and really suck at setting up your models' facings to want to take this profile. Other than that, the Regular Order providing Najjarun left this guy behind 2 points ago... Please let me know if and how you've made him/her work!

You're Good to Go, Now Get Back Into the Fight!

The two basic Engineers available to Ramah Taskforce are dependable no frills soldiers, who get the job done with a minimal fuss. You won't see them spearheading assaults against enemy strong points, or taking out TAGs, but what you will see is consistent and capable engineering support for minimal cost. This is as well, because the opportunity cost of points spent in RTF is rather steep, as the force has an embarrassment of riches available to them when comes to picking flashy elite units. If you're at a loss on how to start building your list, toss in a Shihab and an Engineer of choice, and you're already well under your way into building a dependable base of fire, accompanying engineering support, some decent close range fighting potential and truly competent Specialist power - what more could you ask for at such pricepoint?

Until the next time - I wish you the very best in leading the Swift and Deadly Spear of the Haqqislamite Army to Victory!
21/1/2021 Edit. Changed the title of the article from "Humble Yet Effective" to the more thematic "Honor Through Faithful Service".
18/4/2021 Edit. Made some quality of life improvements to the readibility of the text. 
16/10/2021 Edit. Replaced the place holder pictures of the Monstucker with pictures of the actual model.
26/4/2022 Edit. Updated the arcticle to reflect the addition of Fiddler and the effects of the March 2022 Fireteam Update.


  1. Really nice take on Najjarun, I usually tend to understimate their value and go for the Monstrucker. I'll try to give them a second thought in the future!


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