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Companions of Heroes - Murafeq Remotes in RTF


 In the Unit Focus series I take a look at the different units that make up the Ramah Taskforce, and try to answer why, not if, you should include them in your lists. 
Ramah Taskforce relies on quick to deploy elite units, often spearheaded by the different types of supersoldiers. When RTF requires fast moving tactical support, or a situation is too dire to risk human personnel, they employ the help of the Murafeq (companion) Remotes. While these robots are mostly pretty basic reprisentatives of their respective unit types, they do have some special qualities both in of their equipment and in their tactical application.

Little Support for the Support

As already stated, RTF focuses on (mostly) Light Infantry operatives to carry the day, and thus usually most of the support that a Ramah strike team brings with it is geared towards helping it's "soft skinned" assets. In game terms this often means that your lists can't provide the level of Hacking or Engineering support that can be found on many other factions, and thus the Haqqislamite remotes are left to mostly fend for themselves.

All the non-mercenary RTF Specialists enjoy the excellent Haqqislam WIP of atleast 14, which means that on paper the force should be able to field competent Hackers. Unfortunately, the amount of profiles that come equipped with Hacking Devices is rather low, and to make matters worse, Ramah doesn't have an easy way of setting up an offensive Hacking network with it's lack of Pitchers and forward deploying Repeater equipped models. The lack of models capable of Combat Jumping into the fray also means that there's less incentive to bring an EVO Hacker just to buff your Remotes.

Ramah Taskforce has access to two cheapish yet very competent Engineer choices in the Najjarun and the Monstrucker, and these models can make use of the 3 point Nasmats to extend their operational range, but if you want to field a dynamic, aggressive Engineer that can keep up with advancing REMs, you'll have splash out for Fiddler. If the support for the robotic units of Ramah Taskforce isn't so great, why would you bring them and what can they do for you, should you choose to invest in the different types of Murafeqs?

All Systems Operational, Prepare to Engage

Haqqislamite forces don't at moment have access to any unique REM types, but rather they can make use of the four standard "light remotes" available to most factions.

Shihab - Heavy Machine Gun, 360 Visor; 24pts/1SWC

This robotic guardian is an excellent addition to most RTF lists. HMGs aren't too common a resource in this Sectorial, and strong solo ARO pieces even less so! Between a Total Reaction Bot, a couple of Panzerfaust Ghulams, a Flash Pulse or two and a midfield Skirmisher, you can set a very competent yet economical defense that your Opponent can't engage without risking losses. As Remotes are capable of going prone in N4, the stock of the Shihab has just gone up - deploy one in a good vantage point behind a rampart of some type (or on the top of the tallest roof, standing a few steps from the edge) and have an Engineer (or their Nasmat) babysit the deadly robot; your Opponent has to score no less than three wounds against the Shihab in one order to actually take it out for good (thanks to the two levels of Unconcious provided by Remote Presence); otherwise it'll just drop Unconcious (and thus Prone!) behind the rampart, ready to be repaired and used again! Don't forget that even a modest BS 11 HMG can tear targets apart in the active turn, and if you go down to a lucky ARO, just repair with the Engineer, rinse and repeat..

Fanous - Flashpulse, Repeater; 7pts

The dreaded "Flash Pulse Bot" is available in Ramah with a plentiful AVA of 3. Many RTF players seem to like taking the maxium availability of these Remotes to either just provide cheap Regular Orders, or to also form a soft ARO net. I almost never bring more than one or two at max, as I prefer even my "cheerleaders" to either act as Lieutenant Decoys or Direct Template corner guards. I just find that a Fanous left out to ARO can be dealt with by the Opponent with no actual risk to their attacking model getting harmed beyond shutting their attack run down for a turn. Then again, the Flash Pulse does force two BTS saves, which in my opinion makes the Fanous and excellent backline defender againt Parachutist (Deployment Zone) or Combat Jump troops, as they really can't risk getting stunned while landing behind the enemy lines! If you are dead set on trying to achieve Hacking supremacy, these guys are the cheapeast (and the fastest!) Repeaters available to you! When using the "lambs" as ARO pieces, try to look for long diagonal firelanes that the enemy has to work to get to so you can get the most out of your loyal little robots (thanks PandaBeastMode for that one)!

Shaytaniyah - Missile Launcher, BS Attack (Guided); 16pts/1,5SWC

N4 has seen a remarkable increase in the utility of Guided attacks, thanks to the fact that the Spotlight Hacking Program no longers suffers the -3 WIP modifier, it can be used in ARO, and the Targeted State no longer wears off, unless the opposing model Resets out of it! The Shaytaniyah Remote gives RTF the ability to launch Guided projectiles at the enemy, and also to bolster the ARO game with a BS 12 Missile Launcher. When combined with an aggressive Hacker or two (the Tuareg and the Mukhtar are the clear front runners here), you can credibly threaten almost anything in the game, and I've often found that where brute forcing your way through the enemy's defences might not be possible, slipping a single Hacker in can still be achieved... And once your infowar Specialist is in position, it's time to call in some Missile strikes!

Rafiq - Forward Observer, Sensor, Triangulated Fire, Repeater, Rifle + Light Shotgun or Red Fury; 14pts or 20pts/1SWC

Ah, the ever useful "Toolbox Bot"! The Rafiq is a fast moving Forward Observer that can flank enemies, accomplish Mission Objectives, reveal opposing models with Sensor, extend your hacking range and even take Triangulated potshots at hard to hit enemies! Remember that you can move your Rafiq to a corner just out of Line of Fire of a hard to hit target, then try and Dodge into it's LoF to then perform Triangulated Fire! The standard 14 point version comes equipped with the ever useful Rifle + Light Shotgun combo, and I find it really nice to have a 6-4 MOV light assault piece up my sleeve for when I need one... The heavier option comes equipped with Red Fury, turning this toolbox into something of an attack REM too... Then again, if you won't have access to Assisted Fire, you're stuck with shooting at things with BS11, and only for 4 points more you could upgrade to the Shibab. Whether you employ the Red Fury really comes down to how highly you value it's Specialist status and it's ability to form Fireteam Duos with TAGs , Al Fasids, Zhayedans or Wildcards.

Of the Wildcard companions the ones I'd be looking at the most are Leila Sharif and the Namurrs. Both options provide you with a Duo that can fight at multiple ranges effectively, as well as accomplish both ITS Objectives and a diverse set of Classified Cards with relative ease. If you end up bringing Leila along, you can even declare her as the Fireteam Leader, move the Repeater carrying Rafiq in to the range of an enemy Hacker, and Trinity them with Leila from behind the safety of your Firewall!

Indispensable Allies

Ramah Taskforce isn't a Faction that consistently relies on heavy weapons or top tier technology to carry the day, but rather on a collection of highly capable soldiers and Specialists who can get their jobs done under the most challenging of circumstances. This excellence comes at a cost though, mainly one paid in points at the list constuction stage of the game. This can easily lead to a situation where the RTF squad has holes in it's tactical capability, and few points left with which to remedy the situation. Here's excatly where the Murafeq Remotescan can truly shine!

If you've built an elite list, and you're lacking Orders, or your backline needs defending, que in the Fanous! If you need cheap fire support for your Tuareg Hacker to call in, add a Shaytaniyah! If you need to establish a base of fire to help hold off the enemy's aggressive pieces, and to keep the Opponent honest on the active turn, it's time to call for the Shibab! If your squad lacks a fast moving attack piece or it requires a Forward Observer or a Sensor, it's Rafiq time!

The Murafeq remotes are an excellent example in that for unit in Infinity to be good, it just has to be good enough. With little to no extra bells and whistles, the RTF's robotic units provide the Faction with cheap and simple support units that free up points when in list building, and cognitive power when playing, and thus help in their own humble way for you to try and reach victory. What more could you expect from your mechanical allies?

Loyal Companions

Ramah's REMs will almost never carry you to victory, but that's not their task. They are there to make sure your list is well supported, and it's more poweful pieces have the chance they need to win you the battle. In a way, even the robotic units embody the tactical-philosophical doctrine of Haqqislam - they do their task humbly and diligently, and pave the the way for the Haqqislamite army's number one strategic resource - that is it's human beings - to shine through.

Until the next time - I wish you the very best in leading the Swift and Deadly Spear of the Haqqislamite Army to Victory!
21/1/2021 Edit. Changed the title of the article from "Simple and to the Point" to the more thematic "Companions of Heroes".
24/4/2021 Edit. Corrected some spelling mistakes and addes links to the text. 
10/4/2022 Edit. Updated the article to the post Fireteam Update era. 


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