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Officer Training School - Classified Cards and RTF


In this series I'll be focusing on subjects that are specially geared towards new players starting with Ramah Taskforce.
Disclaimer! The Classified Objectives aren't available to download for free on Corvus Belli's websites at the moment, and thus my understanding is that writing down exactly how to achiece each objective is not okay in this article. Instead, I'll be going over models that can complete each Card, and readers should refer to the actual Classified Card deck available from CB and retailers for how each of the Cards actually works!
A word on Green/Red decks. While there are two Classified Objectives decks available (the standard (green) and the hard (red)), most of the Infinity meta seems to default to the standard deck. I've played mostly with the green cards, and this article is written with them in mind, but most of the things written here should be aplicable to the red deck as well.

Classified Objectives are one of the more interesting elements in a game of Infinity (provided that the Mission being played includes them) - they offer an additional unknown element to the battle, as well as a fun list building challenge to ponder over. While Classifieds are reduced to the role of tie breakers in most Missions, some Scenarios hand out substantial rewards for those who go the extra mile to achieve several Cards, while others are solely decided by completing these mystery tasks!

It can be tempting for newer players to choose Missions with little emphasis on Classified Cards to keep things simple to begin with, but I'd advice even greener commanders against being too eager to forgo the unique challenge provided by them - especially as we are about to find out that Ramah Taskforce is quite effective at accomplishing these random Objectives!

Check Raises or Downright Bluffs?

When players draw Classified Cards at the start of the game, each player gets to draw two Cards and choose which one to keep and which one to discard. The process is then repeated as many times as there are Classifieds in the Mission, although this stardard procedure isn't used in some Scenarios (such as the ITS12 Missions Countermeasures or Highly Classified). By deciding what Cards to keep and what to throw out, players can somewhat migitate the possibility of drawing (near) impossible to complete Objectives, though if one still ends up with very difficult feeling Classifieds, it might time to take a hard look at the list building process to see if there's something to improve.
Luckily for us, Ramah Taskforce is fantastically positioned to complete Classified Objectives, and this is something that I feel RTF commanders should strive to lean on when they can - the Objective Points gained from Classifieds can make all the difference when the guns fall silent and it's time to tally who has won the engagement!

The first thing that makes Ramah so very good at completing the various Cards is the (almost universal) WIP of atleast 14. As many of the Classified Objectives require Willpower Rolls of some type to complete, getting to roll for higher Success Values than most opposing units means that on average, RTF players spend less Orders to accomplish Classifieds, and succeed more often on cluch rolls than their opponents!

The second, and even more important advantage, is that the Ramah Taskforce unit roster includes all the various types of units required to succesfully score the various Cards one might draw at the beginning of the game, and all of these units are (atleast to me) very competitive choices that you won't regret bringing anyway. This means that RTF strike teams can build a good amount of redundancy in the Classified Objective completing department, all the while constructing tactically balanced and flexible lists!

The Classification System

When assessing model's capabilities of completing the various Classifieds, I personally tend to divide the models in question to three different categories based on how effective they are at fullfilling the Card's requirements.
The Tier1 includes units that can (relatively) easily and effectively Complete the Classified in question most of the time. These are the soldiers that I look to score the majority of my optional Objectives.

Units that can achieve the Classified Objectives with some extra effort fall to the Tier2. These models usually form my pool of backup Card hunters.

Profiles relegated to the Tier3 belong to models that technically can achieve the Classified being discussed, but their abilities and/or tactical role make grabbing such Cards difficult, unless the stars align to drop an idial opportunity into their laps!

Obviously the Table, the Opponent, and escpecially the Mission effects the ability of various models to complete Classified Objectives, but from my experience such variations are (atleast when playing RTF) surprisingly small. Just remember to read up on the Scenario you're about play  before building your list, so that you don't get surprised by such things as Exclusion Zones or Confused Deployment!

For Your Eyes Only

Next I'll be going over the whole Ramah Taskforce roster and comparing it with the Deck of Classified Cards in suitable detail(esness) to give my personal thoughts on how the various units of RTF can tackle the random Objectives of the game. When only certain profiles of a unit are capable of completing the Classified in question, the profile(s) will be named in brackets.

Ghulam Infantry, Naffatûn

Tier1: Experimental Drug (Doctor).
Tier2: Rescue, Data Scan (Hacker), HVT: Designation (Hacker, Forward Observer), Telemetry (Hacker, Forward Observer), HVT: Espionage (Hacker).
Tier3:  Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Mapping (Hacker, Forward Observer), Nanoespionage (Doctor), HVT: Inoculation (Doctor), Predator.
With access to a wide variety of capable Specialists in a Fireteam Core, the humble Ghulams (and to a greatly lesser extend their accompanying Naffatûns) can be surprisingly decent, if not excellent, at completing a rather wide variety of Classified Objectives. The list can be further augmented by including various "counts as" models and Wildcards in the Team. At the end of the day, the Ghulams' ability to score Classifieds depends very much on the tactical situation, as well as their commander's willingness to push them towards the enemy (and thus subject them to a potential "use it and lose it" -scenario).


Tier1: Experimental Drug (Doctor).
Tier2: HVT: Identity Check (NCO Multispectral Visor L2), HVT: Kidnapping (Chain of Command), Capture (Chain of Command), Net-Undermine (Chain of Command), Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Rescue, Nanoespionage (Doctor), HVT: Inoculation (Doctor), Predator.
Tier3: HVT: Designation (Forward Observer), Telemetry (Forward Observer), Mapping (Forward Observer).

While the fact that the Khawarijs are designated as Spec. Trained Troops (opposed to the Elite/Veteran status of most other hard hitting RTF units) and their rather limited array of Specialist profiles available conspire to provide them with relative few hits in the Classified Cards keyword bingo, the Red Turbans' excellent fighting prowess and their aggressive tactical posture do provide them rather many potential opportunities to score Classified Objectives. I've personally been running the Chain of Command option quite alot of late, and the list of Cards available for him to complete is rather extensive, and if he has ended up becoming my Lieutenant in the course of the battle, he's even got an extra Order to use on himself when going Classified hunting!


Tier1: -
Tier2: Experimental Drug (Doctor), HVT: Inoculation (Doctor), Rescue, Net-Undermine, Capture, Follow-Up.
Tier3: Predator, Nanoespionage (Doctor), In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, HVT: Kidnapping.
While the Immortals are Veteran Medium Infantry, and thus tick quite a few boxes when it comes to being able to complete Classifieds, their (usually) small squad sizes, lethal weapons (three profiles have Shock built into their guns), and ranged combat oriented fighting style mean that they don't actually get that many opportunities to pull off Objectives requiring deep strikes, wounded comrades or unconcious enemies. These guys and gals are definately more backup Card hunters than primary achievers.

Janissaries, Hortlak Janissaries

Tier1: -
Tier2: HVT: Inoculation (Doctor), Rescue, Net-Undermine, Capture, Follow-Up, Nanoespionage (Doctor), In Extremis Recovery, HVT: Kidnapping, Extreme Prejudice, HVT: Identity Check (Hortlak Janissary).
Tier3: Experimental Drug (Doctor), Predator.

The Janissaries' list of Classified Cards available for completion is very similar to that of the Zhayedans, although their increased durability does make them more likely to advance deeper into enemy lines, facilitating an increased likelyhood of succesfully scoring some secret Objectives. The curiosities of these units in the Classified hunting department include the Hortlak's ability to complete HVT: Identity Check, while the rarely seen Janissary Doctor is actually worse at scoring Experimental Drug than other RTF's Doctors!

Maghariba Guard

Tier1: -
Tier2: Rescue.
Tier3:  Predator, Experimental Drug (Pilot), HVT: Inoculation (Pilot), Nanoespionage (Pilot), In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, Sabotage (Pilot).
There are some Cards that either Maggie or her Pilot can techically score, but if you're going for them, you're propably desperate, in an already commanding lead, or in a very lucky position. The most likely way of involving the Maghariba Guard in completing a Classified is propably having her be the target of Test Run...

Murabids Tuareg

Tier1: Data Scan (Hacker), HVT: Espionage (Hacker), In Extremis Recovery, HVT: Designation (Hacker), Telemetry (Hacker), HVT: Inoculation (Doctor), Experimental Drug (Doctor).
Tier2: Extreme Prejudice, Rescue, Mapping (Hacker), Nanoespionage (Doctor).
Tier3: Predator.
Now we're talking! Tuareg Specialists are amazing at their jobs: Infiltration, Hidden Deployment, Camouflage, Mimetism (-6), Surprise Attack (-3) and WIP 15 mean that these expert Skirmishers can execute effective surgical strikes not only to remove opposing pieces, but also to score Classified Objectives! Cards that are difficult or near impossible for lesser soldiers to complete are just another day at the office for these desert warriors!

Najjarun Engineers, Monstruckers

Tier1: Test Run.
Tier2: Rescue.
Tier3: Predator, Nanoespionage, In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, Sabotage (Najjarun, Monstrucker 360 Visor), HVT: Retroengineering.
RTF's Engineers are competent and effective no-nonsense professionals who get their job done with minimal cost in points/Orders/Command Tokens incurred. While you can count on them to repair any downed REMs and heal damaged TAGs with a good chance of success, they are at the end of the day very much support troops, and you won't see them charging towards the foremost enemy positions with their guns blazing, unless the situation is dire indeed. This means that the more aggressive Engineer related Classifieds are a long shot at best. Remember to bring along a Nasmat to extend the operational range if your list includes several models worth repairing!

Rafiq Remotes

Tier1: HVT: Identity Check, HVT: Designation, Telemetry,

Tier2: Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Mapping,
Tier3: Rescue, Predator.
Even though at a first glance rather unremarkable, the Rafiq is actually an elite reprisentative of the universal "FO Bot" class. Excellent 6-4 MOV value, a surprisingly versatile weapon loadout, and the ability to not only act as a Forward Observer, but also an advancing Repeater and a Sensor platform make these economical Remotes incredible assets both in direct combat, as well as when hunting some of the more difficult to score Classified Cards!

Shihab Remotes, Shaytaniah Remotes, Fanous Remotes, Kameel Remotes, Warcors, Shakush Light Armored Unit

Tier1: -
Tier2: Rescue.
Tier3: Predator, Mapping (Kameel Hacker), In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, HVT: Espionage (Kameel Hacker), Data Scan (Kameel Hacker).
This entry is a collection of units that can theoretically accomplish some Classified Objectives, but it's not realistic to expect them to actually score any of them with any consistency, either because of their unit type and/or rather defensive (or downright evasive!) tactical posture.

Tarik Mansuri, Khawarij Amir

Tier1: HVT: Kidnapping, Capture, Net-Undermine, Extreme Prejudice, In Exremis Recovery.
Tier2: Rescue, Predator.
Tier3: -

Aggressive as heck? Check! A competent brawler and a dangerous shooter? Check! Durable by Haqqislam's standards? Check! Highly maneuverable? Check! Potential for up to two Lieutenant Orders? Check! All right then, everything seems to be in order; let's get out there to bash some heads and collect some Classifieds while we're at it!

Carmen Johns & Bâtard

Tier1: Predator, In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, Net-Undermine,
Tier2: Capture.
Tier3: Rescue.
Excellent speed, access to Smoke, and very strong melee game, combined with the possibilities offered by a combat Peripheral make this Character tandem team surprisingly good at achieving a number of Classified Objectives - especially when taking into account their low points cost and the fact that they provide effectively two Orders for their own use if they're positioned to take advantage of being Impetuous. It often pays to have Carmen and Bâtard hang back on the first turn (unless the enemy has really turtled up) and go for a second or third turn rampage!

Wild Bill, Legendary Gunslinger

Tier1: -
Tier2: Net-Undermine, Capture, HVT: Kidnapping.
Tier3: Predator, Rescue, In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice.

Bill is a fast moving and aggressive Character with some melee game thanks to Multipistol (+1B), but he lacks any dedicated Classified completing abilities and/or gear. Then again, you propably brough him for some gunslinging rather than delicate cloak and dagger work, so any Cards you might able to bag are simply a bonus anyway!

Al Fasid Regiment

Tier1: -
Tier2: Rescue.
Tier3: Follow-Up, HVT: Kidnapping, Capture, Net-Undermine, Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Predator.

While this Veteran Heavy Infantry operative is capable of scoring some of the more hard to complete Cards, the Corrupted tend to employ their firepower from afar, and this leaves precious few opportunities to advance up the field in pursuit of secret missions. This doesn't mean the Al Fasid should be counted out entirely though; they are surprisingly dangerous even at close ranges, and I've at times shut down my opponents advances rather effectively by advancing one to a strong midboard position - the place where most of the Classified magic also happens.

Husam Operative Leila Sharif

Tier1: -
Tier2: In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, Net-Undermine, Capture, HVT: Espionage, Data Scan, Sabotage.
Tier3: Predator, Mapping, Rescue, HVT: Kidnapping.

Leila is an amazing backup Classified Objective scorer, in addition to being a versatile tactical toolbox. Being an aggressive Character Hacker with D-Charges should give her ample opportunity to score Cards, unless she gets killed before getting to her targets. Having access to Cybermask can make getting to your objectives a whole lot easier, while being escorted by a Fireteam (or following at the heels of a trail blazing Rafiq) can also help her out in this department.


Tier1: Follow-Up, Rescue, HVT: Inoculation, Experimental Drug.
Tier2: Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Nanoespionage, Predator.
Tier3: -

"Hi there! I'd like to have one of each of the Classifieds involving Medium Infantry, healing, the use of a Doctor Specialist, or involving getting to an otherwise hard to reach target. I would also like to pass any WIP rolls related to such Cards with a 75% chance or higher, please. What was that? No, the opponent won't be knowing I'll be dropping in; it's a surprise! How much do I owe you? 24 points?! That doesn't sound like much, you've got yourself a deal!"

Mukhtar Active Response Unit

Tier1: Telemetry (Hacker, Forward Observer), HVT: Designation (Hacker, Forward Observer), In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, Net-Undermine, HVT: Kidnapping, Capture, HVT: Espionage (Hacker), Data Scan (Hacker), Sabotage (Hacker, Forward Observer).
Tier2: Predator,  HVT: Inoculation (Doctor), Nanoespionage (Doctor), Mapping (Hacker, Forward Observer), HVT: Identity Check (Multispectral Visor L2).
Tier3: Experimental Drug (Doctor), Rescue.

Mukhtars truly live up to their name (the Chosen Ones) when it comes to Classified Card hunting! These Veteran Troops are fast (MOV 6-2, Forward Deployment (4'')), survivable (Mimetism (-3), No Wound Incapacitation, Immunity (Shock)) and deadly (BS 13)! Mukhtars also have access to Doctor/Hacker/Forward Observer profiles, D-Charges and Multispectral Visor L2 - pretty much everything you could hope to fill the various requirements set by the Classifieds you've drawn with! The highly aggressive nature of this unit also means that you aren't just trecking up the field to compelete Cards - you're also closing in on about to be dead enemies!

Nahab Aeromobile Team

Tier1: Sabotage (Specialist Operative), Data Scan (Hacker), HVT: Espionage (Hacker), Capture, Net-Undermine, Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Mapping (Hacker), Predator.
Tier2: -
Tier3: HVT: Kidnapping, Rescue.

Oh my! This Parachuting (or Infiltrating) Veteran Troop can pretty much kill anything your opponent brought along in melee, and you've also got access to D-Charges or a (Killer) Hacking Device for some added Classified completing potential! The ability to pick and choose your engagements is the key with the Nahab, and keeping your opponent on their toes while waiting for the opportune time to strike is just icing on the cake... Remember to keep in mind that the Nahab can't actually complete the HVT: Kidnapping Classified once he/she has caused a wound on the enemy due to Frenzy - that one bit me in the behind once resulting a otherwise won game turning into a draw!


Tier1: In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, Net-Undermine, Sabotage.
Tier2: Predator, Capture, HVT: Kidnapping.
Tier3: Rescue.

If you need a fast, tough and fighty Specialist/Card collector, here's where you've got one. The Namurrs can complete a range of otherwise pretty hard to get Classifieds by leveraging their speed and Climbing Plus, all the while clearing enemy Skirmishers and maybe even bearing down on opposing TAGs or other high value targets. They're also often the supersoldiers most likely to make to the late game...

Yara Haddad

Tier1: -
Tier2: Follow-Up, HVT: Identity Check, Capture, Net-Undermine, Rescue.
Tier3: Extreme Prejudice, In Extremis Recovery, Predator, HVT: Kidnapping.

While not a primary Classified Card scorer, Yara's status as a Character Medium Infantry with a Multispectral Visor makes her eglible for completing several of them. She also has all around good stats to make use of, and when encountered in her natural inhabitant - that is, as part of a forward moving Fireteam - she has access to all the support required to help her advance up the field in search of both foes and additional Objective Points!

Medical Specialist Rahman Rouhani

Tier1: Experimental Drug.
Tier2: Rescue, Net-Undermine, Capture.
Tier3: Predator, HVT: Incoculation, Nanoespionage, In Extremis Recovery, Extreme Prejudice, HVT: Kidnapping.

Rouhani's most notable attributes when it comes to completing Classifieds are the facts that he's an excellent Doctor, a character, as well as a Wildcard. What Doctor/Veteran oriented Cards he'll be able to complete depend very much on the Fireteam he's attached to, as this Medical Specialist's fighting capabilities are moderate at best!

To Score Some Classifieds

Having plenty of models that can complete various Classified Objectives is nice and all, but if a Faction struggles to include a diverse roster of such models in it's armylists, this versatility can't be taken advantage of to it's fullest. Such a situation might be the case if the profiles required for Card hunting are mutually exclusive (from efficiency standpoint), they are too expensive to use when compared with their opportunity cost, or they have limited tactical use outside trying to score some OPs.

But rejoice, for Ramah Taskforce has no such problems to overcome! As already stated, many of RTF's premier Classified collecting pieces are both solid inclusions in most list builds, as well as viable additions to most in-game strategies! As an example, let's take a look at a list I've already prepared (and covered) in a previous article:

The list is designed for the ITS12 Mission Countermeasures, but I feel I haven't had to make any meaningful tactical compromises in order to make the it fit the Scenario; this strike team is fully capable of fighting off most threats various opponents might throw at it, and I'd feel rather confident playing the list into a fully randomized ITS12 Mission if such a situation came to be.

Despite being a solid (more or less) allcomers list with good firepower, strong mobility and a decent Hacking game, I believe what you see above to be a Classified Card completing apparatus that can dance with best of them! In addition to including several aggressive models capable of hunting Cards without prerequisites, the list above includes all the following keywords required by the various Classifieds in the following numbers: Veteran Troop/Elite Troop/Chain of Command (4), Biometric Visor/Multispectral Visor/Sensor (2), Hacker (3), Medium Infantry/Heavy Infantry (2), D-Charges (3), Engineer (2*), Forward Observer/Spotlight Hacking Program (3), Doctor/Paramedic (2). This means that the list has atleast two models capable of achieving every single Classified in the deck!

I've had a ton of fun playing the list (as well as others quite like it) into a whole variety of Missions. It has an advantage over most opposing forces when playing Countermeasures or Highly Classified, and it can approach Missions like Biotechvore or Firefight in surprisingly effective ways thanks to it's ability to effectively complete several of the Classifieds found in the Mission(s), and thus get a head of it's opposition!

*(I'm counting the Nasmat as a separate model in this instance.)

Shuffle Em' Up and Deal Em' Out!

To many Infinity players Classified Cards seem to be a low priority, if not a downright maligned, part of the process of preparing for a game. I feel that's a shame, as these varied optional Objectives provide some excellent added tension to the game, and can keep the players thinking on their feet at all times while the game is on - am I truly ahead in Scoring, or is my opponent about to pull a fast one on me? On the otherhand, as an RTF commander, I feel pretty great about some of my opponents sleeping on their potential to complete Classified Cards, all the while the force I get to command is so very highly capable of scoring them. After all, there are few feelings as rewarding as slamming a Classified on the table proclaiming it completed and watching the worried frown on your opponent's face deepen!

Until the next time - I wish you the very best in leading the Swift and Deadly Spear of the Haqqislamite Army to Victory!


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