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Officer Training School - What I'd Buy If I Were Starting RTF Now (Major Update Pending!)

OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL - What I'd Buy If I Were Starting RTF Now (Major Update Pending!)

In this series I'll be focusing on subjects that are specially geared towards new players starting with Ramah Taskforce.
When I started with Infinity, there was no Ramah Taskforce yet. There was however, the knowledge that the sectorial would soon be released, and what units one could more or less expect to be included. I jumped into the game by splitting the Operation Red Veil box, and thus my collection of RTF models begun. I soon added a box of Hakims, a box of Naffatûns and a Tuareg Hacker blister, and off I went!

My approach was driven by enthusiasm more than knowledge of the competitive Infinity scene, and thus there were some detours along the way. I've sometimes played with the idea of what I'd buy if I were to start now, and now that I have a blog, I have a perfectly plausible reason to mask my narcissistic ranting as beginner friendly advice, and write an article on the subject!

When it came to actually making a list of models to start with, I was just bombarded by all the great picks I could go for... As a result, I chose to split the "to buy list" into two parts. The first is the block of units that I most definately would need to get, and the second block is a set three different options on how to fill the roster out to 300 points!

My aim is to create a semi-competitive all comers list, which would be as ideal as possible for new players to get their feet wet with Ramah Taskforce.
Let's do this!

A Word on the Haqqislam Action Pack

The good old Operation Red Veil box was in the past a decent Ramah Taskforce starter, but confusingly, in the Beyond Red Veil addition, two of the three models were actually from the Hassassin Bahram sectorial. Thus the modern Action Pack combining the two isn't something that I'd personally pick to start with RTF. A starting commander could really use the three Ghulams, and while you could proxy the Fiday and the Ragik as Nahabs for example, the resulting force would be in my opinion lacking in diversity, Specialists, and long term replayability. Thus I've chosen not to start with the Haqqislam Action Pack, but if you choose to do otherwise, you're doing absolutely nothing wrong!

The First Boots on the Ground

The following units are what I would recommend any budding RTF player to atleast consider as the basis of their force: 

This box will provide you with four basic Ghulam Infrantry, equipped with a variety of weapons. The Heavy Machine Gun wielding soldier is a great, cheapish pointman for your Fireteam Core, the Missile Launcher (or Panzerfaust!) Ghulam will be a decent ARO deterrent, and the Sniper can pivot between the two roles as needed! Finally the Hacker will give you a capable WIP 14 specialist with which to interact with Scenario Objectives, complete Classified Cards, and get going with the infowar aspect of the game!

With Rifle armed Ghulams not having a box of their own, the Naffatûns will serve instead! This set will see the ranks of your basic infantry swell with four additional models. I'd use the two Rifle + Light Flamethrower armed models as my Lieutenant and Lieutenant decoy, and just hide them from my opponent. The two Rifle + Heavy Flamethrower Naffatûns would then be used to bolster my Core Fireteam to a full number of members!

This set of two REMs will provide our growing force with additional firepower and flexibility for a low points cost. I'd personally assemble the Remotes as a Shihab (the Total Reaction Bot) and a Rafiq (the Forward Observer Bot), as this would give both a boost in the active and reactive turn fighting power, as well a speedy Specialist and an attack piece of opportunity. If you can magnetize the weapons (as I did) better still - this means you can use any combination of two light REMs as needed in the future!

4. Haqqislam Support Pack
Sexy? No... Usable almost every game? Heck yes! The Ghulam Doctor will fit nicely in the Core Fireteam, while the Najjarun Engineer will most often end up babysitting your Shihab. Then again, you can have your support troops operate through Nasmats and roam about the field more freely, as the box will also provides you with two of these little robotic helpers!

And This All Combines Into...
With 12 models and 187 points, our strike team's fundamendals in Orders, Specialists, firepower and potential Lieutenants are all covered! When we round the list out with that extra something, we may end up taking something away, but to me, this is a great start!
I personally prefer Battlegroup splits of 9/6 or 8/7, but let's save that discussion for another day! Now, to the flashy stuff! The three potential ways I'd complete this starting list would be...

Option A: The Humble Scholars

With a single box you get four elite Light Infantry troops to round out your stike team and give it some seriously scary teeth! Three of the Khawarijs will in this instance form a Fireteam Haris (I'd go for the Heavy Rocker Launcher, the Doctor and the MK12 (NCO) or the Spitfire to cover all the rangebands), and the fourth will be the pointman for the Ghulam Core! The Red Turbans are very powerful (and a great fun to play), but they're so expensive that the HMG Ghulam has to stay at home... The Khawarijs are a complex unit, and the box throws a bunch of weapon combinations at you, but with this purchace you only have to familiarize yourself with a single statline/set of special skills, so I'd still recommend it to a starting player!

Option B: The Supermen

5. Al Fasid Regiment (Heavy RL)
This big bad boy (or gal!) is your chance to have a stompy Heavy Infantry fight on your side. With a variety of weapons (don't forget about the Shock Mines!) at the Al Fasid's disposal, this piece is an excellent way to anchor an otherwise pretty lighly armored list, while also giving you a model to always spend some Orders on!

6. Namurr (Spitfire)
One of my favourite pieces in the whole Sectorial combines speed, non-linear threat angles, durability, hitting power, E/M weapontry and Specialist capability in a single sleek package! Set the Namurr loose on your opponent's flank, go grab an objective, or clear out enemy Skirmishers to your heart's content!

7. Mukhtar (Boarding Shotgun)
A decently tough, high WIP (Doctor) Specialist who can heal your troopers on 17s, and outfight most enemies at Shotgun ranges? Yes please! In this list iteration, you even have the points to have a Nasmat attached to him! I'd use the Peripheral to hold my Al Fasid's hand (in case he goes down and needs reviving), while the Mukhtar escorts the Namurr or goes off on his own adventures!

Option C: Wrath of the Desert

5. Tarik Mansuri (AP Rifle, Light Shotgun)
If you want to go big and flashy, here we go! Tarik will be this list's Lieutenant to take advantage of the Lieutenant (+1 Order) skill. He'll most of the time be storming forwards covered by the rest of the list, taking out what he can before retreating to a hard to get to position. Such heroics are very risky though, so it pays to have a...

6. Hortlak Janissary (Submachine Gun, Blitzen)
...Chain of Command along to make sure you're not in the Loss of Lieutenant if (or when!) Tarik bites more than he can chew! Besides a potential secondary squad leader, the Hortlak Janissary is a very capable close range gunfighter, a durable Specialist, and a potentially irritating ARO presence thanks to his Blitzen!

7. Murabid Tuareg (Hacker)
The cool as heck Tuareg Hacker can deploy ahead of the rest of your force to help secure an Objective, or set up in a spot from which to ambush enemies (whether that be with Hacking, Mines or traditional gunfire), or to start an attack run! With this excellent source of Spotlight in your list (in addition to the Ghulam Hacker), I'd strongly consider swapping the Rafiq for a Shaytaniyah to capitalize on any enemies foolish enough to remain Targeted at the end of your turn! The presence of the Guided Missile Bot more or less telegraphs the presence of the Tuareg, but watching your opponent squirm in discomfort is really half of the fun...

Go Forth, and Protect the Weak and the Helpless!

There we have it! The three potential ways I'd start with Ramah Taskforce, if I had to start afresh! There are of cource an unlimited number of ways you could get going however, so please don't take this article as much more than a fun thought exercise turned into text! Then again, if this piece does help a new player to get their first steps figured out - all the better!

Until the next time - I wish you the very best in leading the Swift and Deadly Spear of the Haqqislamite Army to Victory!
3/4/2021 Edit. Corrected an unfortunate typo; thanks to forum user WWHSD for the heads up!
28/4/2021 Edit. Corrected additional spelling mistakes, added links to the text.



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